Join Instructor Marsha Schmuck for an afternoon of gob making, or whoopie pies as some call them. Learn the history of where they began, mix the cakes from scratch, and whip up some delicious icing for inside. This is a recipe just like grandma used to make!
The class takes place on Saturday, February 17 at 2pm to 4pm at 601 Georgian Place, Somerset.
The cost is $25 nonmembers/$20 members payable to Laurel Arts plus a $15 materials fee.
The cost is $25 nonmembers/$20 members payable to Laurel Arts plus a $15 materials fee.
Preregistration is required and class size is limited. Call or text 814-442-6217 or call Laurel Arts at 814-443-1835 to register at least one week in advance.