Our Friends
Laurel Arts encourages you to befriend organizations and individuals who support the arts. We also invite you to celebrate and take part in the artistic endeavors and accomplishments of our employees, volunteers, affiliates, and friends.
Our Affiliates
Botanical/Culinary Arts
Somerset Garden Club
Contact: Sheila Croushore, 814-233-7679
Email: sheshore@ymail.com
2nd Monday of the month, Dressler
Center, 10:00 a.m.
Needle/Fabric Arts
Crochet Guild
Contact: Kathy Martin, 814-443-3054
Meetings held the 2nd & 3rd Tuesdays of the month, Dressler Center, 2:00 p.m.
Knitting Guild
Contact: Lee Ann Schrock, 814-233-6434 leann265@yahoo.com,
Performing Arts
Laurel Highlands Chorale
Contact: Jan Burkett, 814-443-3085
Mondays, Somerset Church of the Brethren, Berlin Plank Road, Somerset, 7:00 p.m.
Roof Garden Barbershop Chorus
Contact: Larry Shober, 814-267-4042
Mike Mitchell, 814-442-8843
Meets Tuesday evenings, Grace United Methodist Church
Somerset Auxiliary of the JSO
Contact: Gay Reed, 814-279-7134
Contact: Sam Hanson, 814-754-5230
Meets 1st Thursday of the month, 12:30 p.m., Location TBA
Somerset County Community Band
Contact: Dave Breen, 814-443-3055
Rehearsals Thursday evening, Somerset Area Junior High, 7:15 p.m.
Mt. Union Sacred Harp Singers
Rehearsal 2nd Thursdays of the month, Kingwood Church of God (Jan-March), Mt. Union Church (other months).
Visual Arts
Contact: Jeff Baltzer, 814-442-6617
Meets Wednesdays, Dressler Center, 6:00 p.m.
Laurel Highlands Photo Friends
Contact: Ron Bruner
Email: rbruner@zoominternet.net
Somerset County Artists Association
Contact: Dave Greene, 814-442-3934
Meets 4th Tuesday of the month, Dressler Center,
5:30 p.m.