Laurel Arts presents:
Art in bloom: exploring botanicals
July 18—August 15, 2024
Opening Reception: Friday, july 19, 6:00 p.m.—8:00 p.m.
From Georgia O’Keefe to Andy Goldsworthy, artists have been taking inspiration from nature for centuries. Laurel Arts encourages submissions to a botanical-themed art exhibit entitled Art in Bloom: Exploring Botanicals. This juried exhibit is open to all artists 18 years of age and older. We are looking for artwork featuring plants, flowers, leaves, trees, etc., in both 2-D and 3-D forms. All mediums (except photography) are welcome. While we celebrate the traditional floral artforms (illustration, drawing, painting, etc.), we are also excited to see what contemporary twists or unconventional materials might be used to create plant-inspired artwork. This can include, but is not limited to, sculptural examples, flower pounding, dried flowers, bonsai, terrariums, creative containers/planters, and more!
May 8, 2024: Online entry period begins for the pre-jurying process. Submit entry form (below), images, and non-refundable $30.00 entry fee online. If you experience difficulties, please contact us at 814-443-2433 or
June 20, 2024: Online entry period CLOSES at 11:59 p.m. EST. No submissions will be accepted after this date and time.
July 3, 2024: Artists will be notified of selected/unselected art via email by 4:00 p.m. EST.
July 13, 15 OR 16, 2024: Delivery of accepted artwork at our facility. July 13 (10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.) July 15 & 16 (11:00 a.m-6:00 p.m.)
*You may also ship your accepted artwork to our facility–SEE Shipping Guidelines below.
July 18, 2024: Exhibit opens.
July 19, 2024: Opening Reception and Award Presentation for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and more. Free and open to the public.
August 15, 2024: Exhibit closes.
August 17, 2024: Art pick-up
Maximum of three (3) entries per artist. A non-refundable fee of $30.00 must accompany your online submission. Artists must offer at least two of their entries for sale. The Philip Dressler Center for the Arts/Laurel Arts will transact all sales and sales tax. If sold, the artist receives 70% of the sale price so price your work accordingly. A W-9 will be furnished to each artist to complete at drop off.
This juried exhibit is open to all artists, age 18 and older. All submitted artwork must be original and created solely by the submitting artist. No AI generated artwork is permitted. Recent work in encouraged; however, work that has not been exhibited at the Dressler Center within the past three (3) years is acceptable. Laurel Arts reserves the right to reject work accepted by the juror that does not meet the exhibit requirements, including but not limited to, content, inability to install the work (i.e. improper hardware/wiring) or work not ready (i.e. wet paint). All hanging artwork must be properly and securely horizontally wired for hanging. No sawtooth hangers. Hanging artwork cannot exceed 46” total in any direction. For each accepted piece, please attach a small label (usually backside or underneath if 3-D) containing your name, title, material/medium and price/NFS.
For each submitted entry: After submitting the online form along with payment, please email up to two (2) images for each online submission with a simple white background to Be sure your images are in the correct orientation (not sideways). Accepted image formats: .png, gif, .jpg, .jpeg; Max file size: 8 MB
Each artist is responsible for inputting accurate information on the online submission form. Please double-check spelling, grammar and capitalization for your titles and information. Our Virtual Gallery and wall tags will match what you type.
Shipping Guidelines for selected pieces: Mailed work must be received by July 15, 2024.
US Postal Service: Use Laurel Arts, P.O. Box 414, Somerset, PA 15501
FedEx or UPS: Use Laurel Arts, 214 S. Harrison Avenue, Somerset, PA 15501
The Artist is responsible for prepayment of return shipment costs and any insurance. Please enclose a check to Laurel Arts OR include a pre-paid return label with your artwork. The Artist is to retain their tracking information.
All mailed artwork should be shipped in a substantial, reusable container. Laurel Arts is not responsible for damage due to incorrect packaging or insufficient containers. Laurel Arts will not provide packing materials for return shipping. Mailed submissions will be returned/shipped during the week of August 19, 2024.
Gallery Specifications & Pedestal Information
The gallery ceiling height is 10’ and doorway height is 81”. The smallest doorway width is 32”. The Dressler Center has a very limited number of pedestals. Artists are encouraged to provide their own pedestals if possible. Please label your pedestal with your name. There are also a limited number of ceiling hooks for hanging artwork. Please contact us prior to submission regarding weight limitations and availability for the ceiling hooks. Artwork must be ready for display; free-standing, placed on a pedestal, or properly wired for hanging (no sawtooth hangers).

We are pleased to announce Maura Koehler Keeney as the juror for our botanical exhibit!
Ms. Keeney on her work: My paintings reflect dramatic moments in the life of plants and natural subjects of the earth. In order to understand the whole we can study a minute part. In fact, the wondrous complexities of one chestnut of a tree or one tree of the forest can help us to form an understanding of the whole world. Their singular characteristics are revealed through color, texture, and form in the light and space in which they exist. These details of nature are often overlooked but through magnifying the forms, their intricacies are revealed. Examining nature on these dual micro and macro levels parallels the introspective way in which we contemplate our own lives. Many of my images ponder a will to survive in harmony with or in spite of forces of nature; the same sorts of struggles we face daily in life. I am instinctively drawn to these subjects because they echo themes of maternity, motherhood, aging and sibling rivalry that occur in my own life. Like every part of nature we too are in a constant cycle of change: from birth, through survival, to maturation, and ultimately death.
From conception through process, my work is a personal search for truth, understanding, and peace regarding my existence within nature. We have both an emotional and physical relationship with the earth and these natural forms are symbols of our shared connection to life. Today, as climate change becomes a reality, nature’s survival in all of its forms and cycles is threatened. I hope to affect viewers with my celebration of nature’s awe-inspiring influence upon my life.
Mrs. Keeney is a graduate of Indiana University of Pennsylvania with a BS in Art Education and an MA in Drawing and Painting. She recently retired from Indiana University of Pennsylvania as Adjunct Faculty of Color & 2D Design and Fundamentals of Drawing. Her work has been shown in both group and solo exhibitions all over the state of Pennsylvania, receiving a multitude of awards. She has presented numerous lectures regarding technique and concept and her work is featured in public collections statewide. She continues to create art in her retirement and most recently was awarded first prize in the 28th Annual Regional Art Exhibition at SAMA in Ligonier, PA for her piece entitled, Ephemeral Grand Finale. She is an active gardener and regularly travels with her husband to visit her grandchildren.
Liability and Agreement
This exhibit will also be displayed virtually on our website, The artist understands and agrees that Laurel Arts reserves the right to reproduce and distribute the images through print and/or electronic media for promotion of the exhibition. The artist grants Laurel Arts the right to allow authorized agents to photograph and/or videotape the artwork and to use or reproduce images of the artwork for publicity and educational purposes. The artist confirms there are no existing copyrights on the listed artwork(s) that interfere with these conditions and will retain all copyrights to his/her/their artwork(s). All entries will be handled with care; however, the Philip Dressler Center for the Arts/Laurel Arts is not responsible for any loss or damage. Participating artists agree to hold the Philip Dressler Center for the Arts/Laurel Arts harmless and to indemnify the Philip Dressler Center for the Arts/Laurel Arts against any and all claims resulting from losses.
Other Information
All artwork is required to remain on display until the end of the exhibit at 6:00 p.m. EST. on August 15, 2024.
After the close of the exhibit, artwork must be picked up on Saturday, August 17, 2024, between 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. EST. Other pick-up arrangements may be made PRIOR to the closing of the exhibit. All artworks left at our facility for more than thirty (30) days from the close of the show will become the property of the Philip Dressler Center for the Arts/Laurel Arts.
Please contact us with any questions, concerns or issues with this Submission Form.
The Philip Dressler Center for the Arts
Alison Leer, Gallery Coordinator
214 S. Harrison Avenue, Somerset, PA 15501
814-443-2433 OR